Takin’ a little trip!

So, I am heading to the Seattle/Tacoma area for a few days on an impromptu trip. Once again, I find myself wanting to take some extra pennies with me that would be helpful for food, beer, you know, the important things. I am shaving a little bit off of my Polaroid collection for you to… Continue reading Takin’ a little trip!

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MEN & Peaches

10.27.09 at The Clubhouse, Tempe, AZ.

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Win One of My Blocks!

UPDATE! Using the random number generator at Random.org and numbering the respondents chronologically by post date (1–17), I got a result of 12! That means … the winner is … nb! Congratulations, nb! I’m delighted with all of the responses! To show my appreciation for all who participated, I would like to offer you free… Continue reading Win One of My Blocks!

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The Next Movement Hits the Radio on Rhyme & Reason

[wpaudio url=”http://sol-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/SolRhyme&ReasonPart1.mp3″ text=”Interview on Rhyme & Reason — Part I”]   [wpaudio url=”http://sol-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/SolRhyme&ReasonPart2.mp3″ text=”Interview on Rhyme & Reason — Part II”]  

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The Next Movement

I have some exciting news! I am having a large show in Scottsdale over all of my photography I have done with The Roots. This will be my very first show! There is a preview show April 21st at The Yucca Tap Room in Tempe. The 5 and 6 Gallery (5and6artspace.com) in Scottsdale will have… Continue reading The Next Movement

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